LRN (Local Routing Number) Number lookup service.
What does this mean for you?
It is in every VoIP providers interest to make sure they have access to an LRN lookup service.
LRN (Local Routing Number) lookup is a technique for obtaining the LNP (Local Number Portability) number. A LRN is ten digit number that looks like a telephone number but in actuality represents an entire telephone switch through which multiple telephone numbers are routed. LRN removes the need for the public telephone number to identify the local exchange carrier, only the LRN needs to be changed.
Data access that fits your needs
Our ConnexQ data platform is designed with flexibility in mind which allows you to access LRN data based on your individual requirements.
Easy-to-use API
Use our API access to create your custom applications or integrate with legacy systems.
Manual List Upload
No coding required. Simply upload your list of numbers and instantly get the result file.
SIP 302 Redirect
Send calls from your switch or PBX to our server. Response is a “302 Moved Temporarily” with the LRN number so your equipment can route the call appropriately.
LRN Data Pricing
Weekly Lookups | Minimum | Per attempt |
0- 125,000 | $25 | – |
125,000-5,000,000 | none | $0.0002 |
5,000,000+ | none | contact sales for custom rate |